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Is Real Estate Charities a real estate broker?


  • Yes, Real Estate Charities founder, Mitch Ribak, is a Broker Associate with eXp Realty, LLC. eXp Realty is the brokerage.


Does a referral from Real Estate Charities cost brokers more than other referrals?


  • No. Our referral fee is comparable with fees charged by other brokers.


Is my choice of brokers limited to those who are connected to Real Estate Charities?


  • We are always looking to add great Realtors to our list of agents/brokers that you like.  We are glad to reach out to them to see if they are interested in participating.


Will my charity know that I helped them?


  • Yes, we will notify the buyer/seller once everything is finalized and donation is contributed.


How does Real Estate Charities select my broker?

  • We are associated with many of the best Realtors/Brokers in the U.S. and Canada.  We will interview three Realtors in your area to select the best one that fits your needs.


Does Real Estate Charities act as my broker?


  • eXp Realty, LLC is the brokerage.  The agent and or brokerage selected to help you would be your broker.          


How are referral fees determined?


  • We charge a standard referral fee of 30% to all our Realtors.             


What portion of the referral fee does Real Estate Charities pay to my charity?


  • Real Estate Charities pays 50 percent of the referral fee to your charity.


Why should I trust Real Estate Charities to help me find the right broker?

  • Our founder, Mitch Ribak, has been a trusted and successful real estate broker for 20 years and has been involved with many charities over the years. His granddaughter, Lola, has Sturge Weber Syndrome, which is the driving force in helping Dr. Comi, Lola’s Doctor, raise money for research. He created a win/win program to help your organization raise money while raising money for Dr. Comi.

© 2021 by Real Estate Charities

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​Find us: 

445 Pineda Court, Suite 102

Melbourne, FL 32940

Photographs used here are meant for illustrative purposes only and any person shown is a model.

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